We port Xhyp on your hardware, we port your OS or application on Xhyp read more

Howto: Running X-hyp binaries demo.
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Howto: Run your own RTOS in X-hyp.
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Howto use the X-hyp configurator.
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FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions on Licensing.
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Howto use the X-Hyp framework to port an RTOS to X-Hyp.
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Source code example: a hello world domain for X-Hyp.
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Binary testing: using X-Hyp ARINC like scheduling.
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IST Project: OCERA, Open components for realtime applications.
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About us

MNIS is an OpenSource Company founded in 1995 by Pierre Morel, Physician Engeneer and specialist for measures.

MNIS proposes services for developing acquisition systems and security systems based on OpenSource components.

We improove the OpenSource component when we thing it is needed to achieve our goals or the goals submitted by our clients.

Some exemples: Linux installation system (in the heroic time of the 90th), OCERA: evolution of RTLinux-GPL, network access for RTLinux, enforcement of the RTLinux/Linux security with: application and module authentication for Linux and RTLinux


Howto use the X-Hyp framework to port an RTOS to X-Hyp.
...read more

Howto use the X-Hyp Assemblor Hypercall API.
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Binary testing: using X-Hyp ARINC like scheduling.
...read more

Howto: Running X-hyp binaries demo.
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Howto: Run your own RTOS in X-hyp.
...read more

Howto use the X-Hyp C hypercall API.
...read more

IST Project: OCERA, Open components for realtime applications.
...read more

Source code example: a hello world domain for X-Hyp.
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Using Bootstrap licensed under Apache V2 and Glyphicons Free licensed under CC BY 3.0.